
What is your Gender

Female 31 81.6%
Male 7 18.4%
Prefer not to tell 0 0%


16 0 0%
17 0 0%
18 4 10.5%
19 10 26.3%
20 9 23.7%
21 9 23.7%
+22 6 15.8%

1. What was your diet during and after Maria?

Can Food
Arroz con jamonilla
During and after the hurricane everything was limited due to the low-storage of food everywhere. Most days my diet consisted of bread in the mornings and a "full meal" during the day. After the emergency state was off my diet consisted of two full meals a day and some snacks in between meals..
High sodium foods
Purely junk food and canned food since there is no power to keep good and nutritional food in the fridge.
Mainly junk food and fast food.
No tengo dieta, solo comía lo que hubiese en la casa
Rice and beans with corned beef, sausages and any food any organization gave us.
MRE, bread, bottled water
Comida enlatada y agua
Canned foods
Fast foods
Mucha potería y comida de fast food
Salchichas, pan, galletas
Still irregular.. some of rices, beef and chickens. I’ve been eating fast foods as well
Mostly the same, no cold foods or drinks.
Canned food, MRE, etc.
MRE's, rice, chef boyardee
Not really healthy
Ninguna en específica.
During: vegetarian (no meat or eggs but still ate cheese). After: vegan (no meat, eggs, or dairy).
can food
Mayormente comida rápida
Cans food, soup, MRE, after maria some fast food
Cabe food and MRE
Chinese food
Salchichas, Spam and what ever would be in the kitchen
High in sodium mostly canned food
The same, except meet
I ate a lot of carbohydrates, rice, beans, potatoes
Mucha poteria pero ahora que llego la luz estamos comiendo “fresco” porque practicamente como pal de veces en la semana en un fast food
MRE, SPAM, Rice,beans
Everything that was food

2. After the hurricane, did you continue doing exercise (even without electricity)?

Yes 6 15.8%
No 32 84.2%

3. (if is yes) What was your routine?

10 mint calentando. 1 milla corriendo
Buscar gasolina helarle y prenderla
1-2 hours of running at the track
Joggin and bicycle

4. Was the Meal Ready to Eat (MRE) was part of your diet?

Yes 25 65.8%
No 13 34.2%

5. Did you participate to the social lunch on the university?

Yes 26 68.4%
No 12 31.6%

6. (if is yes) how was your experience?

It was a wonderful experience. I loved the dinamic and the good meal.
Un alivio grandísimo al estudiante con buena comida
Overall, it was good, it helped alot since not all of us had money in the moment and the cafeteria was shut down in the meantime.
Very nice
very good
It was good actually. It was a great opportunity to save money which was wonderful during this “crisis” after Maria.
Really greatful.
Very good actually, it helped a lot because I didn't have a lot of money to buy food
It was nice, it was also handy since I couldn’t really afford food
I can say was good
Excelent, long lines but lets be honest for everything I had to make long lines
Good even though the situation
Great, very good food

7. Did you participate the free medical Service on the university?

Yes 0 0%
No 38 100%

8. (if is yes) how was your experience?

No responses yet for this question.

9. When the university start again, did you get ill because of the mold in the campus?

Yes 18 47.4%
No 13 34.2%
Almost 7 18.4%

Any commentaire?

And we have to add the stress
How it is possible that, four months later, it’s still uncomfortable being inside “Letras”.
I need to have power soon 😢